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Desires to improve. A journey through life
  • Desires to improve. A journey through life

Desires to improve. A journey through life

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Desires to improve. A journey through life Author José Camilo Quintero Montoya 142 p. 13 x 21 cm. – (2022) ©2022 José Camilo Quintero Montoya Printed ISBN 978-958-49-6945-3 The deposit ordered by law has been made (Law 44 of 1993/Decree 460 of 1995) First edition Medellín, August 12, 2022 Editorial direction and Art: Efraín Ferrer Layout: Editores Advertising Address: Carrera 40 # 74 Sur- 90 Barrio Aves María Sabaneta - Antioquia Cell: 321 203 6273 Email: quimoz1@gmail.com


Desires to improve. A journey through life PROLOGUE Desires to improve is a work based on very practical, simple, and easy to develop concepts, whose content arises from the need to share positive life experiences, since they have represented the development of new possibilities for wealth creation. It exposes a personal experience that invites us to make changes in our lifestyle, so that we can develop all the potential we have. In this way, it seeks to transmit experiences that generate value and values ​​in the context of a humanity that needs it so much. This project, originally written in an old agenda, included the movement typical of passing through existence; Each page, one after another, conceived an original way to find and build wealth, until it became this pocket guide from which experiences are shared and important experiences in the company of finding economic stability are shared.


Through the helping/winning-winning/helping philosophy, learned from that childhood age, I have been able to realize all the potential that being supportive of others has, first in being and then in doing. This is fundamental in the task of changing our lifestyle, so that having is only a consequence of the Help-win binomial. Going deeper into this thing of being and doing, we discover our creativity, entrepreneurship and ability to be innovative. The book is developed with a fluidity that allows you to understand logically, going from the simple to the most complex, the process to follow in the task of generating wealth. Likewise, it provides very practical and simple concepts that, applied with discipline, allow you to achieve success. One of these powerful rules is that of eight times three (8x3), one of the most powerful assets that we have and that we can explain like this: eight hours of work, another eight of sleep and eight more to invest. Here it is worth asking what we invest them in.


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